Getting ipython working on a Mac is simple, there are numerous install packages and distributions readily available. The purpose of this short list is to suggest a vetted method which contains all requisite functionality with minimal bugs. Two particularly annoying bugs you can avoid are
- system crash due to >>>> import ROOT,
- graphics windows which refuse to close.
This works on Mac OS 10.11 El Capitan. Download and install Homebrew. Then, type into Terminal:
- brew remove –force $(brew list)
- brew tap homebrew/science
- brew tap homebrew/python
- brew install root6 –enable-python –all
- brew install python
- brew install numpy
- brew install scipy
- brew link numpy
- brew install matplotlib
- pip install ipython[all]
- brew install qt pyqt
- brew install py2cairo
Last step, edit ~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc to include a line:
- backend: Qt4Agg